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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The wheel turns

The cool morning wind woke me from my slumber today. I cherished the freshness as I pulled the duvet up slightly higher. At last, the seasons are changing as we move into Autumn, the time of burnt oranges and golden yellows.
I had further confirmation of the seasonal changes as I went outside to greet my garden. My magnificent tree had shed yet another branch. Last week, the branch was filled with leaves but this one was barren and bleak. My magnificent tree is making space for the new growth that will emerge in the next few months as Spring awaits.
Today is the eve of the Virgo Full Moon. I feel the blue waters change in my womb as she casts her rays, radiating and igniting energy. Her luminosity is still present throughout clouded skies, her power continues to shine.
The wheel continues to turn as next week we celebrate Mabon, my favourite Sabat. Mabon is a time of equanimity as we experience identical hours of day and night. A time of balance. The Green Man offers cider and wine to the trees of the forest. The ageing Goddess embraces her evolution as the Crone and the God prepares for his death and eventual re-birth.
Mabon is a time to celebrate and be thankful. Be thankful for the prosperity and abundance we receive daily. Celebrate our friends and family with love and sincerity.
Blessed be.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The Birth of Venus
Sandro Botticelli, 1486

Over the past 18 months, I have refocused my energies towards making positive changes in my life. I decided it was time to embrace life. To do things that make my heart sing, and when those opportunities didn’t prevail that I would continue with a smile.
But more than that.
I suddenly became aware, conscious. I realised that I have not been living my life to its greatest potential. So I decided it was time to embrace life and love again, to be open to receive all that I deserve.
Through daily yoga and meditation I activated my prana, or chi, to flow freely. With ritual and visualisation, I began to clearly see myself living the life that I desire, doing the things that make me happy and sharing the experiences with my life partner.
Allow yourself to let go, let the child inside you break free. See yourself in your dream job, with your soul mate or simply enjoying life to the fullest.
Manifestation. It’s easy once you let go and let it flow.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Traditionally, Lammas celebrates the first harvest, the first fruits and the first loaf of bread. The hours of daylight are shortening as the Sun God begins to reduce his power and gives way to the Moon Goddess. The plants begin to drop their seeds in preparation for the oncoming winter to restart the cycle of birth and creativity once again.
So too, can we plant our seeds for growth by manifesting our dreams and desires. Spend time in nature, listening, smelling and observing. It is a good time to be familiar with the foods that we eat and their connection to the earth.  Give thanks and be grateful for individual prosperity as well as the abundance of beauty provided by Gaia.
In celebrating Lammas, we give thanks and honor the Sun God for all that we receive and share amongst family and friends. Similarly, we can reflect on our achievements and give thanks and honor ourselves.
Blessed Be.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


It’s December. In the Southern Hemisphere we recently celebrated the Summer Solstice – the longest day of light. Although where I live the skies were filled with grey, looming clouds and much rain, I could still feel the brightness earlier in the morning and later each evening.
The Christian celebration of Christ’s birth has also just passed. What was once a gathering of family and friends to enjoy a meal and each others company has now become a commercial event towards materialism, heightened by capitalism. The focus of this humble celebration has been lost to societies expectations with so much pressure for people to spend more and more each year.
For me, this time of year has been incredibly stressful. I decided to step away from the chaos and I asked myself what it was that I wanted. At a time when the world is in the midst of a financial shift, it would be so much easier to bring love and joy into not only this festivity, but into every day. It was amazing to feel the relief once I decided to be true to myself, instead of what others wanted of me.
As I reflect back on the year that is almost past, I am astounded and forever grateful for the blessings I have received. Now, I begin to think about my intentions for the energetic and fruitful year that will no doubt be 2012.
Blessed be. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


What an amazing day last Friday was. I felt the energies creeping up towards something special the night before. So many wonderful events taking place all at the one time, it is no surprise this was indeed a special day which included: 
  • World Peace Day; 
  • Remembrance Day for our war veterans; 
  • 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year. Numerologists everywhere will agree that this is very significant. On it's own, 11 is considered a master number but three of them together is very magical; 
  • a full moon; and 
  • as believed by some, the dawning of the new Age of Aquarius. 
 I felt a very calm and peaceful energy around me all day. I started my day with my usual morning yoga and we welcomed the full moon at 7.17am as it set high in the sky, but not luminously visible. That night, I was lucky enough to attend a yoga meditation, chant, gong and healing circle. The energy around my fellow yogi's was that of true love and healing. At 11.11pm, we mustered some more energy with our chanting to welcome the new age, the Age of Aquarius.

There are many philosophies and ideas as to when the Age of Aquarius actually starts. My theory is that the energies are strong regardless if it is was on 11.11.11, or will be on 20,12.2012 or even a few years after that. It doesn't really matter because the unification and harmonisation of Mother Earth is strong and increasing all the time as more people become consciously aware.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Follow your heart

When Steve Jobs passed away, the world mourned. Apple friend or foe, he was widely recognised as a brilliant man who did everything he could to make improvements and changes to the world. And he did. 
I received an email with a transcript he had written during his time of recovery. I found it to be quite profound and I was pleased that he had taken the time to write the words. Towards the end of his note, this is what he wrote:
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." Steve Jobs
This resonated with me in such a way that I keep re-reading it.
I think about my own life and see the reality this dogma. The dogma of society, where I fulfil the expectations and desires of others. I wake up each day before I get ready for work and I wish that it was already over, as it is at the end of the work day that I am able to do the things that make my heart sing. I am grateful that I have begun to make the changes, that I am moving towards living a life that is true to me.
In our hearts we truly know what we are to become, all that we can be and all that we can do. It only takes a few moments of our time to stop, to listen and to be aware. That little voice that keeps suggesting we make changes is intuition and by listening to this inner wisdom, we are following our heart.  

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Beltane. A celebration of love and creativity. 

In the Southern Hemisphere the wheel is reversed while our Northern friends experience Samhain. On both sides of the planet the connection to the spirit world is stronger allowing greater communication.

Father Sky fills the days with more light and warmth. Mother Earth is fertilised and we see life regenerated amongst nature. 

I like to bring this renewal of energy into my life with creativity and joy. I give thanks for the opportunities and abundance that I have and I give thanks for those that I am about to receive. 

Like the wheel, our lives constantly turn with new creations, new opportunities, new beginnings, new love. Beltane is time to open the heart to receive joy, love and creativity that is destined to be ours.