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Thursday, December 31, 2009


Almond Tree in Blossom, Pierre Bonnard (c.1945)

As 2009 comes to an end, I cannot help but feel a sense of relief. The thought of a new year, a fresh perspective, some lessons learnt and a full moon seems all too inviting.

For so many people, this past year has been unsettling. We each have had our different struggles with work, finances, relationships or more personal issues like what is my life purpose, why am I on this path or how can I change the path I am on? Regardless, these are all shifts on a spiritual level. Those who are consciously aware of the current changes around us embrace them, difficult as they may be. Others are unaware of the spiritual significance on a conscious level as they feel the effects of a transformation that is not fully understood.

There are other connections to this shift in Mother Earth such as the dramatic weather patterns and climate changes. I believe the connection relates to the upcoming change in dimension as spoken of in the 2012 Mayan calendar. It was explained to me simply in that we are currently in the Age of Aquarius, and this new dimension, this shift, will be the next Age.

It is synchronicity.

I don’t believe there will be catastrophic disasters of extreme magnitude as seen in the movie. The changes in weather that we see are simply Mother Earth’s way of rectifying the planet, to rebalance the damage that man has caused through industrialised capitalism. Clearly, digging up the planet for natural resources and sucking her dry is not the answer to our political problems. But this is another blog entirely!

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