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Sunday, August 2, 2009


The last few weeks have taken me on an emotional roller coaster.  I think it is just life's way of reminding me that it can't always be a bed of roses, so to speak. Funnily enough, I have never thought my life was easy with everything falling into place but I have finally felt as though I was comfortable where I knew what I wanted and which direction I was headed. Its only taken me thirty something years to get here but I can honestly say I am happy.  No sense in a good thing going on for too long now is there!

When I suffer emotional turmoil, I especially feel it in my hips - as do many women.  The hips is the emotional store house and mine just ache. My first yoga class after a few days off was difficult.  A class that I normally breeze through and hold my poses with strength and integrity became weak and overwhelming.  This is a good, it means all that stuff is releasing, freeing me from my angst.  By the end of that class I felt so much more open, not just in my hips but in my heart as well. The next few classes I went to all seemed to have a lot of emphasis on hip opening stretches and boy did I feel it - that horse is a killer! But there are so many fantastic hip opening poses in yoga like frog or half pigeon.

Yoga has so many benefits.  I first started to attend Bikram classes after four months in physio from a running injury. It was the nearest adrenaline rush to a good run.  But now, I love the mental aspect, the meditation, as well as the health benefits and strength that naturally develops. 

Recently, a chiropractor suggested I have some x-rays of my spine which revealed some damage from a fall I had about twenty years ago.  So it seems the running injury was just an offset from my spine damage. In a way, its nice to finally know that all these years of discomfort was real and not in my head.  I'm not a crazy lady! The scary part is that no-one bothered to investigate before now.  Luckily for me, its just a matter of re-educating my spine to limber up in certain areas. Yoga is now a way of life.

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