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Sunday, August 16, 2009


Tonight my yoga teacher talked about acceptance. He relayed a story about a student who had expressed their concern by a recent weight gain. Most of us practitioners tend to think that with regular time spent in the hot room you will lose weight. The teacher suggested that perhaps this increase in weight was natures course for this individual. By trying to lose the added weight it might be going against the natural course of the body. Obviously this person did not have a serious weight condition or he would not have suggested this, but it made a lot of sense. 

For many of us, we can achieve the ‘ideal’ body weight or image so often displayed on the cover of magazines or flaunted by models and movie stars.  To do so, requires us to put our bodies under the stress of the gym junkie lifestyle - continuously working out, dieting and comparing.  We are constantly trying to be something we are not. Why can’t we just be? Why can’t we be happy with who we are?

The yogic breath teaches us to stop and be entirely in the moment.  The vinyasa flow of movement along with the breath creates heat from within the body and a still mind. Through regular yoga practice the body will develop its shape and strength naturally.  Acceptance.  If I accept who I am then others will accept me, embrace me, it’s a natural path to happiness.  

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