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Friday, August 7, 2009

Letting it flow

Medicine (1901)
Gustav Klimt

I have a demanding job.  I love to practice yoga. Normally, the vinyasa and meditation provide balance and peace.  Except that I have the added challenge of trying to complete a degree as well. 

The first half of this calendar year was exhausting and it eventually got to the point where there was no balance in my life.  I only just passed my end of term exam by one and a half marks. I spent so much time at work that I simply was not prepared.  Luckily for me, I worked pretty hard throughout the term to get good grades on my papers so managed to achieve an overall credit. 

I found the only way I could switch off from work, come home and write papers, was to have a glass of wine.  Except, it wasn’t just one glass but two or three – almost every night. The less often I practiced yoga, my breath and vinyasa, the more alcohol I consumed. This certainly is not a habit I want to fall into each term but hey, the results were there so I really can’t complain. But most students I know drink whilst writing papers.  

Maybe this is a cultural manifestation society has created.  I mean, if you look at many creditable artists or writers they all spent most of their time out of it. During Paris in the early 1900s, Impressionists, Fauvists and Dadists hung out in cafes and bars drinking for days only to go home and create some great masterpiece.  And then of course there are the extremists like Jackson Pollock who spent most of his life in a drunken stupor. 

Clearly there is something to be said for alcohol and mind altering substances to release creativity. Its a little bit sad that we live in such crazy and busy times that we need assistance to get in touch with our emotions and let the creativity flow. 

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