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Monday, April 5, 2010


About three months ago, I put myself on a strict ten day detox program. I was physically and mentally exhausted. I knew something had to change and it had to start with me. It was challenging but the rewards were worth it. I felt revitalised, energised and in touch with my inner self again. It was wonderful.

My meditations were becoming clearer and it was easier to connect to my spirit guides. My intuition was strong, I was feeling more aligned to my spirituality than ever before. This was how I wanted to feel all the time, not just when I was being extra meticulous or as a result of exhaustion.

It only took a couple of weeks of work dinners and birthday celebrations for my efforts to feel unravelled. Even my modest contribution of drinking at parties was enough to make me feel disconnected, not to mention awful the next day. My eating habits were erratic and unhealthy, and my meditations suffered. I noticed my moods began to swing, I became less tolerable of silly things, and this is all because my footing slipped off my destined path. It is so easy to lose the connection.

I have spent many days sitting on the grass to reconnect to Mother Earth. I feel lighter and healthier as I recapture my normal eating patterns. My meditations are less stilted, and a sense of calm is once again filling my senses. It can be hard to keep a busy schedule in check but therein lies the challenge, to keep our connection to oneness.

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