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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Taking back the power

Do you ever have one of those weeks where things happen and you believe it was all for a reason? Last week my usual schedule of 50+ hours at work then home to study for whatever I can manage was massively reduced. In my delight, I started to attend 6am yoga classes. It was great! I felt fantastic both physically and mentally before I even started work. Several people commented to me that week that I should be able to regain my power enabling me to fulfil my work commitments yet still have time to do other things.  I started to think about what they had individually said to me, each with very different careers. Why can't I have some balance in my life?  I should be able to take a bit of time out once or twice a week to do something that is good for me.  After all, healthy mind, healthy body equals more productivity at work right?  I seem to have this guilt hanging over me that says working in corporate means you have to work excessively long hours.  Sure the work is there, I mean, I certainly don't sit around with nothing to do all day. But where did this guilt come from?  Perhaps it is my own doing.  Subconsciously I may have brought this on myself thinking that my role requires me to work certain hours.  But does it?  I am now beginning to question this and I think that if I regain my own inner power then I can manage a balance between career and a personal life.  I guess it just comes down to me to make the choice, to make the changes and believe in myself.

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