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Monday, July 27, 2009

Conscious choices

In an ever growing conscious consumer society, we look for more environmental ways to be green in our every day living. We eat organic food, buy produce from the farmers markets, use non-chemical cleaning products and try to reduce our carbon footprint more and more.  Some of us have been doing these things for years but it is great to see so many people finally listening and realising that we really do need to make changes to sustain our planet.

The choices we make every day are evident in the products we purchase.  It is up to us to be responsible consumers by researching and investigating the products you use.  The cosmetics and pharmaceutical companies are the worst offenders. Learn to read labels.  In today’s modern world there is absolutely no need for harsh chemicals or animal testing.  There is no need for animals to suffer – its barbaric.  Plenty of companies are now making products with plants or non-harmful synthetics.  Check out PETA's list of 'Companies that do and do not test on animals' or the Choose Cruelty Free list.  Most companies using natural products also don't test on animals, it kind of goes hand in hand with nature.  And this is what is really about - respecting ourselves and the natural environment we live in.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Bread & Honey

Here is a favourite blog that I have followed for some time now, even before I decided to create my own.  Its quirky and all about food.  Okay, so its not a vegetarian site with raves about meatballs and salami but it doesn't have to be. bread & honey seems to be all about good tasty food. I have yet to try my hand at any of these creations but after watching the MasterChef challenge maybe its time to give it a whirl.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Taking back the power

Do you ever have one of those weeks where things happen and you believe it was all for a reason? Last week my usual schedule of 50+ hours at work then home to study for whatever I can manage was massively reduced. In my delight, I started to attend 6am yoga classes. It was great! I felt fantastic both physically and mentally before I even started work. Several people commented to me that week that I should be able to regain my power enabling me to fulfil my work commitments yet still have time to do other things.  I started to think about what they had individually said to me, each with very different careers. Why can't I have some balance in my life?  I should be able to take a bit of time out once or twice a week to do something that is good for me.  After all, healthy mind, healthy body equals more productivity at work right?  I seem to have this guilt hanging over me that says working in corporate means you have to work excessively long hours.  Sure the work is there, I mean, I certainly don't sit around with nothing to do all day. But where did this guilt come from?  Perhaps it is my own doing.  Subconsciously I may have brought this on myself thinking that my role requires me to work certain hours.  But does it?  I am now beginning to question this and I think that if I regain my own inner power then I can manage a balance between career and a personal life.  I guess it just comes down to me to make the choice, to make the changes and believe in myself.

Monday, July 13, 2009


These are photographs taken by a friend of mine.  I think she has quite a talent for capturing the more artistic image. Check out her website here.

Classic stories

I recently finished reading the New York Times best seller Pride, Prejudice and Zombies.  This spoof was an absolute must read for me.  I love a good classic and have read the original several times. 

I suppose the Jane Austen die-hard would not be impressed by the Bennett sisters slaying of zombies known as the 'unmentionables' who seem to be a menace like the plague. It wasn't quite as amusing as I was hoping but I did manage a few out loud laughs, which is unusual for me. Although, I found my greatest anticipation was in waiting to find out how Charlotte Lucas would come to her demise.

Many books have been written in more recent times trying to capture Mr Darcy's version of the romantic novel in Mr Darcy's Diaries and the more sordid epilogue to Pride & Prejudice - Mr Darcy takes a wife.  The latter is more like a novel from the Mills & Boon collection but gives you all the raunchy tales of married life that Austen never dared to deliver on. 

And the list goes on.  You only need to google Mr Darcy to see what comes up or type in any number of combinations into Amazon books to see that this subject carries a great fascination. 

These are only the ones I have read but for now its back to serious reading with university about to kick off again. My current book list includes Bram Stoker's Dracula, so how happy am I!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I was a demon slayer

Dreams. We all have them. Mine seem to be regular and colourful, and I don't just mean the opposite to black and white.  This one was kind of hilarious...

A couple of weeks ago I dreamt I was a demon slayer. In Buffy-esk style, I was minding my own business buying tomatoes from the local green grocer. Of course the gorgeous man beside me was all mine and we were enjoying a quiet moment whilst I picked out the best fruit. Suddenly, someone bursts through the door screaming for help as a demon was on the loose and up to no good. Sure enough, there she was. Big and ugly. Standing on the doorstep of the store I was in, of all things. I was quite annoyed that my vegetable shopping was interrupted but I quietly asked my beau to run and fetch my sword. Yes, all this was in my dream. But wait, there's more. I pay for my groceries and ask the keeper to mind them for me while I take care of business. It seemed I was a regular at this store and the owner knew me well.  So with my sword in hand, I burst through the door taking the demon by surprise and taking off its head in one clean manouvre. Then everything went back to normal.

Me thinks I have been watching too many science fiction dramas but I'm going to run with it, maybe theres a story in there.  And if not, this one was a good laugh - at least my friends thought so.