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Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I'm detoxing and although I am not a stranger to this process, I find each time I do them I learn something about myself. I become connected to my mind and body, and I learn to listen to my inner wisdom even more than before.

A few months ago, I did a ten day juice detox. It was quite intensive with only juices, no shakes or solid food of any kind. The same week that I started the weather changed into an unpredicted and early cold snap. I used lots of ginger and drank lots of herbal tea, but it didn't seem to help. After seven days, I felt miserable from being constantly cold and hungry. I realised it was time for me to transition out.

This 28 day detox is much gentler with lots of green smoothies and yummy salads. You could say that I have just eliminated bread, coffee, alcohol and any other foods that don't fall into the fruit and veg category. Since I don't eat meat and generally maintain a 70-80% raw vegan diet anyway, this shouldn't be too hard. However, the first three days were hard as my body immediately dispelled toxins resulting in irritability and headaches. I knew that once I came through the elimination phase I would feel light and energised.  

Similarly, just as I began this program a cold change in the weather prevailed and has hung around. The cold has not really bothered me this time but at the midway mark I was low in energy and hungry. I contemplated quitting but have instead decided to continue and gradually add some nuts, seeds, goji's and other super foods to ease back into my usual routine. I feel satisfied with this decision as I know it is the right one for my body at this time.

I am now into my third week and I feel great. My skin looks clear, I've lost a little bit of weight - certainly the high carb and alcohol pudge I had accumulated has gone. And I have learnt that for me personally, detoxing during colder weather is difficult. Detoxing whilst working a full time job is also hard. Whilst it is good to give the organs a rest from heavy foods, it is ideal to attempt this when rest, meditation and yoga can be taken as and when needed. 

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