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Sunday, July 31, 2011


Imbolc celebrates the return of light as we have passed through the darkest hours of winter. Most of us have rested and become more withdrawn during the shorter, colder days. The earth begins to renew it's growth with the feeling of Spring just around the corner. Imbolc brings new life, a sense of joy with the imminent warmth of the Sun.

Similarly, it is a good time to plant our own seeds for emotional, mental and spiritual development. What do we want to grow, to harvest in our lives? What new pleasures do we want to experience? What projects do we want to embark on? Do we want to establish, re-ignite or continue to burn with the fires of passion?

Imbolc is a time to give thought to bringing about positive changes, to see emerging shoots and growth in our lives for the forthcoming Ostara - the Spring Equinox, when all life entwines in the riches of nature.

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