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Monday, June 14, 2010


I know who I am and that my spirit originated from another dimension. I know that I am different, but certainly not special. I know that my divine journey is quite spectacular and one that perhaps some cannot relate to but does not separate me.

However, I find myself casting judgement on others. And in judgement we are at our worst. It is an ugly human behaviour.

I expect others to think as quickly as me. I expect others to have the same work ethic as me. I expect others to see the big picture and move on from meaningless relationships easily. I expect others to keep up and understand my erratic nature. I have judged those who are experiencing life, their life in their own unique way. My expectations let me down.

In this feeling of remorse, I remind myself that not everyone is on the same spiritual journey. It is important to acknowledge that each spirit has it's own place and will travel at it's own speed. This humbles me and allows me to see the light shining from each spirit for who they truly are.

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