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Sunday, March 14, 2010


Being truly aware of who we are and how we feel can be one of the most difficult things we will ever try do. Having the patience to slow down the incessant mind chatter, to allow our bodies to feel – and nothing else, can be incredibly confronting.

We live in a society where we constantly blur our minds and fill our bodies with chemicals that hinder the ability to allow us to be aware of what we are feeling. Too much coffee, alcohol and processed foods with their additives all contribute to changing our perception or altering how we feel. This may be done consciously or unconsciously, but the fact remains that we continue to alter our natural state of being.

Yoga teachers often talk about being in the moment, to breathe and feel the posture rather than try to force the body into position. I know from my own personal practice that if I take a few moments before class to sit quietly and breathe my practice will be so much stronger. I may not always do advanced poses, but it isn’t necessary if the posture and flow are done correctly, an immense workout can still be achieved.

By taking that awareness and listening to how the body feels we are honouring it. The mind, body, emotional and spiritual elements unite to flow.

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