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Monday, August 29, 2011

Energy Healing

I decided to try an alternative method of healing that focuses on the meridian energy points. These are similar to Chakra’s but are located all over the body and there are many of them.

The first session was quite mild. I felt great, my hips released and it was at least a week before I could feel them starting to tighten again. So it was at this point I thought another session would be beneficial.

The second session was quite different and incredibly powerful. The session itself was fine, some breathing, stretching and manipulating some energy centres – not much different from before. However, within about half an hour of getting home my body felt alienated. Nausea overwhelmed me, I was unable to eat anything. I felt very cold, yet my skin felt like it was burning - especially the areas that had just been worked. If I didn’t know better I would assume I had a flu like virus. But I was fully aware that my body was undergoing a massive energy shift. I knew I had to just let it run its course. After a hot shower, I grabbed the hot water bottle and climbed into bed. Sleep came quickly and took over my body for about ten hours.

Today, I feel amazing. I have very little tightness or restriction in my body. Most of the tension is gone. It feels wonderful to wake up in the morning without pain. I feel rested. I feel alive.

Today, I am grateful for the people in my life and the blessings I receive on a daily basis. Without them, what am I?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Full Moon

O’ this rainy full moon day
The clouds fill the sky up high
Your luminescent rays are but a glimpse
But your energies alight my fire.

O’ this beautiful full moon day
Fill my heart with light and joy
Your moon beams dance through scattered cloud
And give us strength, courage and wisdom.

O’ this wonderous full moon day
Take away our fears of the night
Your radiance igniting health and happiness
We are one with love and light of the night.

Blessed be.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Rupert Bunny, Pastoral (Sea Idyll Pastorale) c1893

Until recently I had managed to avoid the winter flu's and other bugs that normally invade us during the darker months of Winter. This year has been particularly wet so there have been fewer days basking in the gentler sunshine of the season. But I was surprised to find that I picked up a cold given my relatively healthy lifestyle. Thankfully, a cold is all it turned out to be.

During a day of well needed rest, I reflected on the past few weeks and realised that I had spent a considerable amount of time stressing over a work matter. It was quite a big deal but nonetheless, the apparent stress took it's toll on my body. I know that I can address the issue at the appropriate time, and I know that unnecessary stress does not help in any way whatsoever. Regardless of my awareness, knowing that I should step away – take a walk, breathe, talk to someone - I still allowed myself to submerge into the depths of fury and frustration.

The human body is an amazing life force. All that negative energy, anger and frustration I felt developed into toxins resulting in a cold. I truly believe that tension in our daily lives manifests into dis-ease in our physical bodies.

But how do we overcome the stress that is so much the norm of today’s society?

My inner voice tells me that I need to relax, take time each and every day specifically for me. I need to find ways to release physical tension – for me yoga and massage work well. I need to have creative outlets – I love to write, create magick, sculpt and sometimes draw. And most importantly, I need to meditate daily.

Sounds great! If only I could do all of these things every day, but the reality is that I need to work. It is a balancing act. However, I can bring breath into my work place. I can find a few minutes to write a few words of verse. I can find five minutes to sit quietly.

If I remember to bring love and light back into my life, I can relax and that is all I need.