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Saturday, November 28, 2009


The Scream, Edvard Munch, 1893

I was completely knocked off my feet by a horrible virus. I couldn’t get out of bed for two days and it lingered for weeks. Even today, I had to take a mid-afternoon nanna nap as I just can’t shake this feeling of exhaustion.

On top of that, I feel completely uninspired. I usually find it pretty easy to find something to say, something to write about – ideas normally float out of my imagination daily. But not at the moment. This exhaustion has impacted me physically and mentally. It was as if my body decided it was time for me to stop, completely stand still and take time out for myself.

On a positive note, uni has finished for the year and I am winding up at work ready for a well deserved vacation. I plan to watch as much tv as I can, sit in my garden and meditate. And of course practice as much yoga that feels healthy. Hopefully my inspiration will return.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday bliss

Norman Lindsay, The Blue Hat 1948

Sunday's are great. Sleep ins, indulgent breakfasts, midday yoga, lazy afternoons.

I particularly like lazy afternoons, under a tree watching the branches and leaves sway gently in the breeze. Reading a book. Maybe a movie lounging on the sofa. Or Sunday evening cocktails with friends. Sunday transitions the week between last week and the new week ahead. The unknown. Sunday's are bliss.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Edward Burne-Jones, The Wheel of Fortune, 1875-1883

I have been without internet access or a home phone connection for almost three weeks, until now. It was amazing to see how much I have become reliant on technology. I pretty much use the internet every day, whether it's to post here on my blog, research for uni, check out the weather or what's on tv.

What was really interesting was how irritated I felt when things did not go according to my plan and I did not receive the support and service I thought I should. I was already suffering from a flu virus which didn't help matters. Not only was I irritable, I was rude to people trying to help me.

Is it that our expectations are too high, or is it that our service industry is lacking? I have always thought it was the latter. Maybe this is the case but it does not excuse rude behaviour, even if the other person was rude first. I felt awful for being so horrible and demanding, even though I had already apologised the damage had been done. The bad energy was already out there. It was unnecessary and out of character for me.

The negative energy I created was wasted energy. It stores in the body and becomes toxic. Many health practitioners believe this is where most of our modern ailments arise from. And it is not surprising if this is the society we have developed for ourselves to live in. It is far easier, and kinder for everyone, to take a deep breath and accept the situation. Not always easy to do but something I will try to remember.