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Saturday, September 10, 2011


Every day we are each faced with choices. What to eat? What to wear? Who to call? And when?

Even on my yoga mat I find I have choices every time I step onto it. What is my intention for this practice? How do I feel today? Will I push forward with energy to rejuvenate and explore new aspects of the asana? Or will I modify my practice, maintaining strength and alignment, to nurture and nourish my body and mind?

I find the biggest choice I have to make is ‘how will today be for me?’

Instead of pondering the question, I think only of the answer. I choose to have a great day. I choose to feel amazing and share love.

If I repeat this as a mantra each day, once, twice, three times or even fifteen times – as many times it takes to believe it.

Believe it and it will be so.