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Friday, April 22, 2011

Fear VS Love

With 2012 and all it’s unknowns drawing near, I am seeing a lot of fear rising amongst people. There is talk of collecting supplies in preparation of a potential disaster. I find this kind of conversation manifests fear and projects that fear into the universe. Since we live in a 3D reality, what we project is what we get.

Yes there may be some practical elements in stocking up on canned food and water. But you only have to look around and see the world that we already live in has floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and destructive fires as Mother Earth readjusts her equanimity. Historically, this is not anything new. Our ancestors have lived through such changes and with even greater impact.

We live in a society that relies so heavily on technology and big business. It is possible that the coming changes will impact our fast paced lives and encourage us to slow down. But is this really a bad thing?

In the Mayan calendar, 2012 marks the commencement of the new age, the Age of Aquarius. For those of us who are consciously aware, we will receive greater clarity and ascend to a higher level of consciousness. Others will tap into a more spiritual life and begin to make changes - I see this happening already.

Beyond that it is unknown of what lies in front of us. But instead of creating fear I choose love. I choose love to fill my life. I choose love to fill the earth and all her wonderful beings. It’s easy, just close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and imagine a beautiful pinkish white light fill your body from your toes up to the crown of your head. Feel it’s warmth, it’s beauty, it’s joy, it’s peace. Now see the earth’s sphere with it’s glorious green land and blue sea in your hands and project that same light around the globe. Feel that same warmth, beauty, joy and peace.

It’s love and light, and that is all we need.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Yoga mat

After weeks away from my yoga mat I was unsure how my first time back would feel.

Surprisingly, I had not forgotten the poses and I was not breathless. Instead I felt a renewed sense of being. My body felt lighter and my mind connected. It was more powerful than I had felt in my practice before.

My body seemed to move with grace and ease. My breath flowed as prana ignited my energy sectors.

I had worried unnecessarily.

Perhaps this new state of being is a result of feeling relaxed. My mind is quieter and I feel much calmer, taking things as they come. I believe this is a signal to slow down in life, to stress less and allow the physical and mental to just be rather than waiting for illness to come as a warning. Easier said than done sometimes but I will strive to maintain this lightness and quieter mind from now on.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tree Speak

As I drove through the south-west country of Great Britain, I stumbled upon delightful villages literally surrounded by rolling green hills. I connected to nature more than I could ever have anticipated. It was an amazing experience.

I spent most of my time on a fairly large property with a natural forest. Most mornings I walked through tracks and immediately I felt that I was not alone. The celtic lands are ancient, filled with spirits from times gone by and many places I visited maintained an earthly connection with the other side.

But this woodland felt special. Somehow different. The first day I entered I felt a strong female presence, a Goddess. She was unknown to me at first and it was days later when I was at Stonehenge that she made herself known as Lilith, the first wife of Adam who refused to succumb to his dominance insisting on equality.

Spring was emerging and the trees were singing as the sun's rays shone amongst them. As I stood motionless enjoying the forest and all its glory, I caught glimpses of nymphs dancing gayly through the trees. They were laughing, playing, hiding behind the great big trunks and moving too quickly to be seen. It was magical and I felt blessed.

Wild life filled the forest; birds, squirrels, rabbits and even deer. Spider webs glistened in the morning rain and the leaves developed with brightness. The forest was changing before my eyes.

I felt the trees sense my presence and I could hear them whispering as they rustled their leaves. I placed my hands on one of the great trees and immediately felt its vibration swirl through me. I breathed in its essence, revelling in the sound of the swaying branches. I felt at peace. I felt in awe of their greatness, knowing they had seen many things.