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Tuesday, December 27, 2011


It’s December. In the Southern Hemisphere we recently celebrated the Summer Solstice – the longest day of light. Although where I live the skies were filled with grey, looming clouds and much rain, I could still feel the brightness earlier in the morning and later each evening.
The Christian celebration of Christ’s birth has also just passed. What was once a gathering of family and friends to enjoy a meal and each others company has now become a commercial event towards materialism, heightened by capitalism. The focus of this humble celebration has been lost to societies expectations with so much pressure for people to spend more and more each year.
For me, this time of year has been incredibly stressful. I decided to step away from the chaos and I asked myself what it was that I wanted. At a time when the world is in the midst of a financial shift, it would be so much easier to bring love and joy into not only this festivity, but into every day. It was amazing to feel the relief once I decided to be true to myself, instead of what others wanted of me.
As I reflect back on the year that is almost past, I am astounded and forever grateful for the blessings I have received. Now, I begin to think about my intentions for the energetic and fruitful year that will no doubt be 2012.
Blessed be. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


What an amazing day last Friday was. I felt the energies creeping up towards something special the night before. So many wonderful events taking place all at the one time, it is no surprise this was indeed a special day which included: 
  • World Peace Day; 
  • Remembrance Day for our war veterans; 
  • 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year. Numerologists everywhere will agree that this is very significant. On it's own, 11 is considered a master number but three of them together is very magical; 
  • a full moon; and 
  • as believed by some, the dawning of the new Age of Aquarius. 
 I felt a very calm and peaceful energy around me all day. I started my day with my usual morning yoga and we welcomed the full moon at 7.17am as it set high in the sky, but not luminously visible. That night, I was lucky enough to attend a yoga meditation, chant, gong and healing circle. The energy around my fellow yogi's was that of true love and healing. At 11.11pm, we mustered some more energy with our chanting to welcome the new age, the Age of Aquarius.

There are many philosophies and ideas as to when the Age of Aquarius actually starts. My theory is that the energies are strong regardless if it is was on 11.11.11, or will be on 20,12.2012 or even a few years after that. It doesn't really matter because the unification and harmonisation of Mother Earth is strong and increasing all the time as more people become consciously aware.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Follow your heart

When Steve Jobs passed away, the world mourned. Apple friend or foe, he was widely recognised as a brilliant man who did everything he could to make improvements and changes to the world. And he did. 
I received an email with a transcript he had written during his time of recovery. I found it to be quite profound and I was pleased that he had taken the time to write the words. Towards the end of his note, this is what he wrote:
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." Steve Jobs
This resonated with me in such a way that I keep re-reading it.
I think about my own life and see the reality this dogma. The dogma of society, where I fulfil the expectations and desires of others. I wake up each day before I get ready for work and I wish that it was already over, as it is at the end of the work day that I am able to do the things that make my heart sing. I am grateful that I have begun to make the changes, that I am moving towards living a life that is true to me.
In our hearts we truly know what we are to become, all that we can be and all that we can do. It only takes a few moments of our time to stop, to listen and to be aware. That little voice that keeps suggesting we make changes is intuition and by listening to this inner wisdom, we are following our heart.  

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Beltane. A celebration of love and creativity. 

In the Southern Hemisphere the wheel is reversed while our Northern friends experience Samhain. On both sides of the planet the connection to the spirit world is stronger allowing greater communication.

Father Sky fills the days with more light and warmth. Mother Earth is fertilised and we see life regenerated amongst nature. 

I like to bring this renewal of energy into my life with creativity and joy. I give thanks for the opportunities and abundance that I have and I give thanks for those that I am about to receive. 

Like the wheel, our lives constantly turn with new creations, new opportunities, new beginnings, new love. Beltane is time to open the heart to receive joy, love and creativity that is destined to be ours.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I'm detoxing and although I am not a stranger to this process, I find each time I do them I learn something about myself. I become connected to my mind and body, and I learn to listen to my inner wisdom even more than before.

A few months ago, I did a ten day juice detox. It was quite intensive with only juices, no shakes or solid food of any kind. The same week that I started the weather changed into an unpredicted and early cold snap. I used lots of ginger and drank lots of herbal tea, but it didn't seem to help. After seven days, I felt miserable from being constantly cold and hungry. I realised it was time for me to transition out.

This 28 day detox is much gentler with lots of green smoothies and yummy salads. You could say that I have just eliminated bread, coffee, alcohol and any other foods that don't fall into the fruit and veg category. Since I don't eat meat and generally maintain a 70-80% raw vegan diet anyway, this shouldn't be too hard. However, the first three days were hard as my body immediately dispelled toxins resulting in irritability and headaches. I knew that once I came through the elimination phase I would feel light and energised.  

Similarly, just as I began this program a cold change in the weather prevailed and has hung around. The cold has not really bothered me this time but at the midway mark I was low in energy and hungry. I contemplated quitting but have instead decided to continue and gradually add some nuts, seeds, goji's and other super foods to ease back into my usual routine. I feel satisfied with this decision as I know it is the right one for my body at this time.

I am now into my third week and I feel great. My skin looks clear, I've lost a little bit of weight - certainly the high carb and alcohol pudge I had accumulated has gone. And I have learnt that for me personally, detoxing during colder weather is difficult. Detoxing whilst working a full time job is also hard. Whilst it is good to give the organs a rest from heavy foods, it is ideal to attempt this when rest, meditation and yoga can be taken as and when needed. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Every day we are each faced with choices. What to eat? What to wear? Who to call? And when?

Even on my yoga mat I find I have choices every time I step onto it. What is my intention for this practice? How do I feel today? Will I push forward with energy to rejuvenate and explore new aspects of the asana? Or will I modify my practice, maintaining strength and alignment, to nurture and nourish my body and mind?

I find the biggest choice I have to make is ‘how will today be for me?’

Instead of pondering the question, I think only of the answer. I choose to have a great day. I choose to feel amazing and share love.

If I repeat this as a mantra each day, once, twice, three times or even fifteen times – as many times it takes to believe it.

Believe it and it will be so.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Energy Healing

I decided to try an alternative method of healing that focuses on the meridian energy points. These are similar to Chakra’s but are located all over the body and there are many of them.

The first session was quite mild. I felt great, my hips released and it was at least a week before I could feel them starting to tighten again. So it was at this point I thought another session would be beneficial.

The second session was quite different and incredibly powerful. The session itself was fine, some breathing, stretching and manipulating some energy centres – not much different from before. However, within about half an hour of getting home my body felt alienated. Nausea overwhelmed me, I was unable to eat anything. I felt very cold, yet my skin felt like it was burning - especially the areas that had just been worked. If I didn’t know better I would assume I had a flu like virus. But I was fully aware that my body was undergoing a massive energy shift. I knew I had to just let it run its course. After a hot shower, I grabbed the hot water bottle and climbed into bed. Sleep came quickly and took over my body for about ten hours.

Today, I feel amazing. I have very little tightness or restriction in my body. Most of the tension is gone. It feels wonderful to wake up in the morning without pain. I feel rested. I feel alive.

Today, I am grateful for the people in my life and the blessings I receive on a daily basis. Without them, what am I?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Full Moon

O’ this rainy full moon day
The clouds fill the sky up high
Your luminescent rays are but a glimpse
But your energies alight my fire.

O’ this beautiful full moon day
Fill my heart with light and joy
Your moon beams dance through scattered cloud
And give us strength, courage and wisdom.

O’ this wonderous full moon day
Take away our fears of the night
Your radiance igniting health and happiness
We are one with love and light of the night.

Blessed be.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Rupert Bunny, Pastoral (Sea Idyll Pastorale) c1893

Until recently I had managed to avoid the winter flu's and other bugs that normally invade us during the darker months of Winter. This year has been particularly wet so there have been fewer days basking in the gentler sunshine of the season. But I was surprised to find that I picked up a cold given my relatively healthy lifestyle. Thankfully, a cold is all it turned out to be.

During a day of well needed rest, I reflected on the past few weeks and realised that I had spent a considerable amount of time stressing over a work matter. It was quite a big deal but nonetheless, the apparent stress took it's toll on my body. I know that I can address the issue at the appropriate time, and I know that unnecessary stress does not help in any way whatsoever. Regardless of my awareness, knowing that I should step away – take a walk, breathe, talk to someone - I still allowed myself to submerge into the depths of fury and frustration.

The human body is an amazing life force. All that negative energy, anger and frustration I felt developed into toxins resulting in a cold. I truly believe that tension in our daily lives manifests into dis-ease in our physical bodies.

But how do we overcome the stress that is so much the norm of today’s society?

My inner voice tells me that I need to relax, take time each and every day specifically for me. I need to find ways to release physical tension – for me yoga and massage work well. I need to have creative outlets – I love to write, create magick, sculpt and sometimes draw. And most importantly, I need to meditate daily.

Sounds great! If only I could do all of these things every day, but the reality is that I need to work. It is a balancing act. However, I can bring breath into my work place. I can find a few minutes to write a few words of verse. I can find five minutes to sit quietly.

If I remember to bring love and light back into my life, I can relax and that is all I need.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Imbolc celebrates the return of light as we have passed through the darkest hours of winter. Most of us have rested and become more withdrawn during the shorter, colder days. The earth begins to renew it's growth with the feeling of Spring just around the corner. Imbolc brings new life, a sense of joy with the imminent warmth of the Sun.

Similarly, it is a good time to plant our own seeds for emotional, mental and spiritual development. What do we want to grow, to harvest in our lives? What new pleasures do we want to experience? What projects do we want to embark on? Do we want to establish, re-ignite or continue to burn with the fires of passion?

Imbolc is a time to give thought to bringing about positive changes, to see emerging shoots and growth in our lives for the forthcoming Ostara - the Spring Equinox, when all life entwines in the riches of nature.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Meditation with Michael

Archangel Michael appeared before me and I immediately felt peaceful in his presence. As he stood facing me, he gently placed his left hand on my right cheek and his right hand carefully on my left shoulder, cupping my neck. It felt comfortable, warm and loving.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the golden light emanating from him. With tenderness, he said I was a beautiful being and I should never doubt myself. If I ever needed support I was only to ask and it would be provided. He told me to keep on my path and keep moving forward. Then I felt his left hand softly on my heart, Anahata – my heart chakra. It was warm and a bright light filled my chest and exploded through my body. It felt amazing and I breathed in every molecule.

Peace was with me again and the busy chatter in my mind had faded. As I opened my eyes, I was alone yet restored of energy and motivation.

This meditation came to me during Savasana, the final resting pose during a yoga class. We spent a lot of time focussing on opening the heart. I felt blessed to receive this message.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tuscan Passion

I was recently blessed with an opportunity to travel to Italy. It was a destination high on my 'must visit' list, particularly with my passion for Renaissance art.

Rome is of course Rome. Grand, old, hot, and busy. The ancient architecture, ruins and art were simply stunning. But it was Florence and Tuscany that captured my heart. It was also visually and culturally amazing, but the people were also very welcoming.

It was in the little villages of Tuscany that I began to see the Italian passion for food and life. The produce was incredibly fresh and flavoursome, so much so that I thought it had to be organic. It not only tasted wonderful, it looked stunning too. Siesta is a reality - shops close for several hours and streets become quieter as locals gather with family and friends. The Italian's passion for food is so richly embedded into their culture that they grow their food with love, prepare their food with love and eat their food with love. It is just simply all about love.

Living in big industrialised cities and working in time pressured environments leaves us little opportunity to create our own haven of freshly grown produce. Perhaps a few herbs or a tomato plant in a box to get us started can help restore the connection to earth. In the very least I feel inspired to create my food with love, to really enjoy the preparation and be grateful for what I am about to receive to nourish my body. I may not have grown it myself and it may not be organic, but at least I can enjoy my food with love.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Faith. It is something we all have whether we realise it or not. Some choose to put their faith in religion, be it Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhism, Spiritual, Pagan or one of many other creeds. We believe that there is a greater power, a divine being guiding us on our path. Even the Atheist has a belief system, albeit defiant of all God’s or deities, perhaps maintaining an existentialist philosophy that we are each responsible for our actions in turn creating our own destiny.

As a species, we need to believe in something, to trust and to have hope. It is part of who we are and it helps aid our emotional well being.

Historically, faith has been a driving force responsible for wars and greed of power over land and empires. This part of our human nature has not evolved over the centuries as we sadly continue to decimate, not only each other, but the planet and all it’s life.

It is important to send love and light to our friends and family as well as across the globe. The destruction and annihilation continues with our negative thoughts but it can be changed – the power of the mind is phenomenal.

Start by loving within, truly admire who you are and make positive alterations to areas that need transformation. Trust in yourself. Believe in yourself. Have faith that you can be all that you aspire to, and the rest will follow.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Fear VS Love

With 2012 and all it’s unknowns drawing near, I am seeing a lot of fear rising amongst people. There is talk of collecting supplies in preparation of a potential disaster. I find this kind of conversation manifests fear and projects that fear into the universe. Since we live in a 3D reality, what we project is what we get.

Yes there may be some practical elements in stocking up on canned food and water. But you only have to look around and see the world that we already live in has floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and destructive fires as Mother Earth readjusts her equanimity. Historically, this is not anything new. Our ancestors have lived through such changes and with even greater impact.

We live in a society that relies so heavily on technology and big business. It is possible that the coming changes will impact our fast paced lives and encourage us to slow down. But is this really a bad thing?

In the Mayan calendar, 2012 marks the commencement of the new age, the Age of Aquarius. For those of us who are consciously aware, we will receive greater clarity and ascend to a higher level of consciousness. Others will tap into a more spiritual life and begin to make changes - I see this happening already.

Beyond that it is unknown of what lies in front of us. But instead of creating fear I choose love. I choose love to fill my life. I choose love to fill the earth and all her wonderful beings. It’s easy, just close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and imagine a beautiful pinkish white light fill your body from your toes up to the crown of your head. Feel it’s warmth, it’s beauty, it’s joy, it’s peace. Now see the earth’s sphere with it’s glorious green land and blue sea in your hands and project that same light around the globe. Feel that same warmth, beauty, joy and peace.

It’s love and light, and that is all we need.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Yoga mat

After weeks away from my yoga mat I was unsure how my first time back would feel.

Surprisingly, I had not forgotten the poses and I was not breathless. Instead I felt a renewed sense of being. My body felt lighter and my mind connected. It was more powerful than I had felt in my practice before.

My body seemed to move with grace and ease. My breath flowed as prana ignited my energy sectors.

I had worried unnecessarily.

Perhaps this new state of being is a result of feeling relaxed. My mind is quieter and I feel much calmer, taking things as they come. I believe this is a signal to slow down in life, to stress less and allow the physical and mental to just be rather than waiting for illness to come as a warning. Easier said than done sometimes but I will strive to maintain this lightness and quieter mind from now on.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tree Speak

As I drove through the south-west country of Great Britain, I stumbled upon delightful villages literally surrounded by rolling green hills. I connected to nature more than I could ever have anticipated. It was an amazing experience.

I spent most of my time on a fairly large property with a natural forest. Most mornings I walked through tracks and immediately I felt that I was not alone. The celtic lands are ancient, filled with spirits from times gone by and many places I visited maintained an earthly connection with the other side.

But this woodland felt special. Somehow different. The first day I entered I felt a strong female presence, a Goddess. She was unknown to me at first and it was days later when I was at Stonehenge that she made herself known as Lilith, the first wife of Adam who refused to succumb to his dominance insisting on equality.

Spring was emerging and the trees were singing as the sun's rays shone amongst them. As I stood motionless enjoying the forest and all its glory, I caught glimpses of nymphs dancing gayly through the trees. They were laughing, playing, hiding behind the great big trunks and moving too quickly to be seen. It was magical and I felt blessed.

Wild life filled the forest; birds, squirrels, rabbits and even deer. Spider webs glistened in the morning rain and the leaves developed with brightness. The forest was changing before my eyes.

I felt the trees sense my presence and I could hear them whispering as they rustled their leaves. I placed my hands on one of the great trees and immediately felt its vibration swirl through me. I breathed in its essence, revelling in the sound of the swaying branches. I felt at peace. I felt in awe of their greatness, knowing they had seen many things.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


In the Southern Hemisphere, Lammas falls on 1 February. It is a time to honour the earth as the Sun God prepares to recede. The change of seasons are upon us as the hours of daylight slowly shorten, and the Moon Goddess shines her light.

Summer is coming to an end as we begin to welcome the season of Autumn. The beautiful warm colours of red and orange emerge representing the cooler shades of the earth. Lammas is the first of the Harvest festivals and this is displayed with fresh loaves of bread.

For the first month of this new calendar year, I spent a lot of time focussing on my intentions. What do I want to achieve, when do i want to achieve it etc. Through this focus I have already begun to see results driving me towards these goals.

But Lammas is a good time to reflect on current achievements and to show gratitude for the abundance in our lives, to be grateful for the people we share it with. Today I am grateful for the people who continuously support me, who guide me and give me strength when I need it most.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Chrysoprase is one of those stones that jumped out at me in the store as soon as I saw it. I knew I had to purchase this pretty apple-green gem and the feeling was reinforced when I understood its qualities and characteristics. Mine is a tiny tumbled piece of stone unlike the lovely natural chunks in this picture.

A balancing stone for not just the apparent heart chakra, but on a metaphysical level it stabilises all of the chakra’s. The ying and yang are also equalised. This overall balancing effect provides a sense of calm.

Commonly used for good luck and success, Chrysoprase taps into the harmonious energies of nature. I have kept this stone on my desk to enhance the creative and trusting properties. It can also be helpful to use during meditation to gain personal insight.

Chrysoprase is good to place beside the bed at night to capture the restful sleep and safety or security attributes.

Other qualities include cleansing and detoxifying which can aid in banishing negativity and allowing the new, positive energies through.