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Monday, June 28, 2010


One legged Chaturanga

When I first began practicing Power Yoga, I realised just how little upper body strength I actually had. For months my arms and shoulders ached from holding Down Dog and trying to master Chaturanga, both key elements of the Sun Salutation Vinyasa. As my practice became more familiar, I also grew stronger.

Gradually I have been able to attempt some poses that I once thought would be impossible for me to achieve. My body has slowly begun to open up, allowing me to move deeper into my practice. I like the term 'practice' because I think I will always be a novice and every class is exactly that - practice.

But I can now look back and feel grateful for all the aches and repetition of poses that have brought me to where I am in my yoga today. My body continues to change and life insists on providing new challenges. Every day is amazingly different and my strength continues to improve. Herein is yet another of the many available and astounding benefits of yoga.

Monday, June 14, 2010


I know who I am and that my spirit originated from another dimension. I know that I am different, but certainly not special. I know that my divine journey is quite spectacular and one that perhaps some cannot relate to but does not separate me.

However, I find myself casting judgement on others. And in judgement we are at our worst. It is an ugly human behaviour.

I expect others to think as quickly as me. I expect others to have the same work ethic as me. I expect others to see the big picture and move on from meaningless relationships easily. I expect others to keep up and understand my erratic nature. I have judged those who are experiencing life, their life in their own unique way. My expectations let me down.

In this feeling of remorse, I remind myself that not everyone is on the same spiritual journey. It is important to acknowledge that each spirit has it's own place and will travel at it's own speed. This humbles me and allows me to see the light shining from each spirit for who they truly are.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Winter bliss

I love this time of year. Crisp, fresh mornings and sleep filled nights. Admittedly the days are shorter and I do miss coming home to spend the last hour of light in my garden.

These first few weeks of June just before the Winter Solstice are the longest, darkest and perhaps the coldest.

If we listen to our bodies, it's a time to rest. Early nights in with a sense of hibernation. It is also at this time that the earth rests. Crops and plants lie in waiting for the first specks of spring to launch their new growth. And so it should be for us since we are also creatures of the earth. In the fast pace of the Western world we forget to slow down and listen to our bodies. We forget to move with the earth and live as one.