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Monday, June 29, 2009

Ahhh, Wimbledon

Its one of the most exciting sporting events of the year.  Not just for the spectators but for the players too.  Everyone wants to attend a game of tennis at Wimbledon.  All the players want to qualify.  Centre court at Wimbledon is a spectacular achievement and the competition is tough. Wimbledon carries a certain air, a sense of charm, aspiration and nobility. The historic grounds and grass courts gently persuade you to feel like a gin and tonic would be appropriate about now.  Even the contenders have appeared to dignify themselves in all-white apparel for this tournament.

Every year, new players manage a glimpse of the elite and a hopeful spot for the future. But it is the favourites who give the greatest spectator pleasure. Roger Federer seems to be back in form and does not disappoint. One of the most gracious and gentlemen-like players, he is a always a delight to watch. Unfortunately for me, time differences mean a few late nights are in order.  But it just needs to be done - you can't watch the replay, it has to be live and in the moment!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


It is so nice to get back to a yoga routine.  The past few weeks have been crazy with long hours at work and uni exams. The stretching, meditation and sweating create a sense of revitalisation.  Yes sweating - in yoga.  I like hot yoga and every class runs for 90 minutes. I stumbled across it when an injury prevented me from running anymore. Its the most amazing sense of being  The heat warms your muscles and builds cardio, the deep breathing creates an internal heat and relaxes your mind. The poses stretch and lengthen physically while expanding your awareness.  I have been an avid practitioner for a number of years now and I find if I don't keep it regular, my life begins to feel incomplete and a little bit unbalanced. Just love that feeling of renewed energy after every class.  Namaste.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The death of an icon

Everyone is talking about the death of Michael Jackson.  Its in every news forum in every medium.   I was never a huge fan but its hard to ignore a unique talent.  As a child Jackson received instant recognition, thrown into the adult world of corruption and deceit. Granted his behaviour and body image developed into something beyond odd at times but who are we to criticise this man who has never had a 'normal' life. Jackson was a multi-millionaire and this songwriter, musician and choreographer was probably worth every cent. Was he happy?  I doubt it.  Paedophile? Maybe. Personally, I was never convinced either way but I do know that Michael Jackson had a significant impact on the music industry. Everybody knows at least a few of his songs.  It is only the great iconic musical artists who have achieved this.  Think of Elvis, The Beatles or even Abba.  The voyeur in all of us waits to see the next controversy about his passing unfold. Its really quite tragic that even in death he will not have peace. Today, he is gone but the circus in which he lived remains.